May 8, today 78 years ago, Germany was freed from Nazi terror and the war ended. We remember. But as I observe, only superficially. We need deeper remembrance. We need remembrance and getting in touch with our shame, tending to our trauma, learning to be compassionate with ourselves and others. Walking the talk, going deep.
All that while experts of AI make a prognosis that can be terrifying. But we need this reflection and soul searching combined with global and ethical, empathetic and compassionate thinking, with a dialectic view, to face what we need to confront now. Be it the war(s) and threat of nuclear disaster in Europe or “just” the dread of a potentially dying democracy.
My strength is rather recognizing a whole picture befor being able to put it into distinguished words. Never the less, I see what and that we as humanity need to use clear and compassionate thinking to defend democracy.
If you have not, and are interested in learning more about what political groups in the arts are currently doing to implement regulation (which is obviously needed) with AI, maybe follow Nina George, brilliant writer and political activist and / or Matthias Hornschuh, composer and political activist with more witts and expertise one can hope for. Both work their tushs off, to make change happen. For the better of mankind. For democracy, out of compassion.
So if you are less political and more spiritual, I do wish you see the connection here: the spiritual needs to be aware of these possibilities and of how sacred democracy is. So many ways of acting upon what the world needs for change in a compassionate way.