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authenticity training


classes, coaching, lessons
authenticity training
speaking voice


classes, coaching, lessons
speaking voice


voice lessons


classes, coaching, lessons
voice lessons


about me


about, Philosophy
about me


about, Philosophy

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“As a singer and voice teacher, it is her job
to give a voice to those who are otherwise not heard.”


Coaching & lessons online & in presence at Klingenstrasse 37, 70186 Stuttgart, 0178-5537088

Online voice coaching deluxe? Here you can get energy management & sound engineering pdf’s (for 0,-€) by subscribing to the newsletter, click

what I offer:

Voice training for speaking & singing voice
according to the Lichtenberger® model, bodywork and somatic body work, trauma sensitive, voice hygiene and anti-hoarseness training

seminars & workshops on the subject of voice

authenticity training & personal coaching – based on the pillars of VOICE WORK, work on the NERVOUS SYSTEM & who wants NUTRITION according to Anthony William; self-awareness and mindfulness work (applied voice physiology) certified according to the Lichtenberger® method, work with fascia, trauma-sensitive, empowerment (focus on women* and queer empowerment)

singer, soprano with a big heart, plenty of humor and sensitivity for your special occasion: wedding, anniversary, birthday, Christmas party, funeral service, baptism, vernissages and much more.

MC’ing and professional art auction chatterbox, I will sell you almost anything!

for vouchers please contact: 0178-5537088

If you can answer ‘yes’ to even one of these questions, then you’ve come to the right place:

hoarseness is a thing that bothers you, do you find speaking exhausting?
Do the  high notes give you trouble, despite many years of singing experience or do you simply want to develop the sound of your voice?
Are you reaching your vocal limits despite sound vocal training?

-> my specialty is to help voices that are battered, dull or strained to shine again!

Are you organizing an event and looking for an MC who is relaxed and gives your event the right vibe?

You are LGBTTQIA and need like support and a safe space to develop your self-esteem and your voice?

->I will hold that space for you with a lot of love and knowledge, I promise! Holding space is my superpower, so to speak ♥

You are looking for fulfillment, wanting to dive deep? You’re longing for a state of higher vibration?

->There is probably nothing that is more personal, then ones own voice. It may show you so much about yourself and above all, it shows your potential that lies within you! My specialty here is to quickly get to the point, to find the blind spot and to do this in a protected, loving environment, so that you can accept yourself and take a good look. I’ll lend you a little courage & I’ll believe in you! So that you can start transforming!

What is the Lichtenberger® Method, what is applied vocal physiology?

Lichtenberg® voice pedagogy trains our perception of the larynx and the functional relationships based on knowledge of the physiological processes involved in sound production. The vibrations of the sound allows us to feel the body’s own self-organization (e.g. the brilliance and the vibrato) and so we (and our system) learn to detach ourselves from our own pressure patterns. This gives the sound the chance to develop, to become freer and more brilliant without any effort, both for the speaking and singing voice.

This process is not about prescribing fixed postures or positions, but rather about trying out and exploring vibration and oscillation in the tissue, in the body, so that the tissue can become more and more permeable and vibrate itself, be its own resonance space, sound space.

To do this, I use a variety of tools that “trigger” the nervous system, the vagus, give it information, communicate with it, I involve the entire sensory system, bodywork serves to experience functional connections in the body, tonal stimuli, anticipatory reflex work and much more is used.

Important note in connection with COVID-19: Please note that any activity in the general public carries a certain risk of infection. We therefore cannot guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19 at our events. Please follow the safety rules of the event organizer as well as local laws and regulations.



Für Termine einfach anrufen: 0711-997 893 68 oder Erstgespräch für 0,-€ ausmachen: hier klicken

und hier geht's zum DATENSCHUTZ

Wichtiger Hinweis im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19: Bitte beachten Sie, dass jede Aktivität in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit eine gewisse Ansteckungsgefahr birgt. Wir können daher nicht garantieren, dass Sie sich bei unseren Veranstaltungen nicht mit COVID-19 anstecken werden. Bitte halten Sie sich an die Sicherheitsregeln des Veranstalters sowie örtliche Gesetze und Vorschriften.
Haftungsausschluss: Meine Arbeit ist Training, Prävention, Stimmhygiene, Beratung, Authentizitätstraining, Entstressung, Stressprävention, Stimm-Psycho-Kinesiologie, Gesundheitscoaching und Belebung, Sie ersetzt nicht den Besuch bei*m/der* Arzt*in, Phoniater*in, Psychiater*in, Psychotherapeut*in oder Heilpraktiker*in. Ich übe keine Heilkunst aus und gebe keine Heilversprechen. Meine Klient*innen besuchen mich eigenverantwortlich, diese Eigenverantwortung zu stärken ist ein Schwerpunkt meiner Arbeit.