Fotos: Charlotte Fischer


I’m a sopranist and I love singing Jazz and Soul. I adore Motown.

As a singer since about 24 yrs, my background is rooted in solo projects, in several genres, be it New Music, Das Lied, Pop, Big Band and Soul as well as diverse crossovers, but also choir with grand  pieces of music by Bach, Brahms or Mozart. Because I do not draw musical borders between classical- or popmusic. To me sound/tone is critical, organical and physiological tone. I may be touched by anything from spiritual music to music of the charts. My singing and my relationship to sound is obviously characterized by my work with the Lichtenberg® Method. I find excitement and new experiences doing improvisations in cooperations with contemporary visual artists. A capella impros with my preferred looper. 

The job as a public speaker, a hoast and a art auctionator comes natural to me being a singer. My own moving and busy biography,  with several stays abroad (among others Mannhattan), gave to me the present of fluent english, lightness of heart, humor, great empathy, warmth and cross-cultural sensitivity; being an asset to every kind of event. My daily practice in  Criticaly Whiteness and anti bias work is important to me.

The basis to my work as a coach for voice, selfpresentation, authenticity and personality (it’s been about 20 years), are my experience on as a singer and off as manager, my schooling when it comes to vocal physiology ( Lichtenberg® Method) and my studies on biography work, intersektional-awareness-practice, psychology, queer, intersectional feminism and lot’s of body work. I’d love to accompany you! On stage or off 🙂

Here you may find my vita as well as the further studies I have done since leaving school, on top of that some literature & links

